Wednesday, November 17, 2010


do you know that i love u ? i probably already told you , but im going to keep saying it , there is no lies in these words , not bit one , your smile keep me alive , there is no more reason to keep fighting , i would give you my soul to keep you comfort , even it is leave me dark and cold and when i hold you close  , i can feel your heart beat fast ,andd i think to myself , i`ve found the girl that i`ve been looking for this while .andd i admit ! i keep think of u every second of every day , you`re my favourite to talk about , when i hold your hand , i wish i could never let you go , most of all my dreams have u in them , andd fer sure it was my sweetdream , i always excited when i see you again andd i know that im completely in love with you , im scared , why ? because i dont want anyone else to have your heart , i dont want anyone else stare in your eye the way i do , i dont want anyone else called you the way i call , i dont want anyone else to be the one you love , im scred because i dont anyone else take my place in your heart !

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